Design and Visual Communications

6 months ago

The Design and Visual Communications (DVC) student who successfully completes four years of the program will, at a minimum, be able to acquire an understanding of design elements, design principles, color theory, typography, drawing, video-editing design, animation, user experience design and digital photography. The student will also be able to produce and print digital media for specific purposes.

Graduates of our DVC program will graduate with the following skills and competencies:

  • The ability to demonstrate health and safety practices specific to Design and Visual Communications

  • The ability to describe and apply elements of design to design work, including line, shape, form, color, value, texture, space, and size

  • The ability to demonstrate an understanding of typography

  • The ability to demonstrate and apply an understanding of color theory

  • The ability to identify and employ design strategies, including an understanding of the goal, research, brainstorm/thumb development, roughs and final composition

  • The ability to apply concept development

  • The ability to employ design execution and production practices

  • The ability to demonstrate presentation skills

  • The ability to demonstrate illustration skills

  • The ability to demonstrate vector based skills

  • The ability to demonstrate raster based skills

  • The ability to demonstrate photography skills

  • The ability to demonstrate page layout skills

  • The ability to  demonstrate web design skills

  • The ability to demonstrate animation skills

  • The ability to demonstrate video production skills

  • The ability to demonstrate fundamental technical skills according to current industry standards

  • The ability to develop and prepare a body of work for a career portfolio

Our graduates are not limited to entry-level positions in the field of Design and Visual Communications. Higher level positions are vast and vary in both the general industry as well as specialty areas within the industry. Graduates of our DVC program, who take post-graduate training and/or industry specialized training, might choose to specialize in one of the following examples of technical career areas:

  • Art director (would require the ability to conceptualize and bring a vision to completion; the ability to oversee the progress of workflow and workforce; the ability to develop plans and strategies, and approve or provide suggestions in every creative output from staff)

  • Creative director (would require the ability to create and maintain a vision for a company’s products and branding through digital, print, and film installations)

  • Multimedia designer  (would require the ability to create graphic content and animations for digital platforms and media advertisements)

  • Senior graphic designer (would require the ability to oversee all of the designing operations in a company, from conceptualization to production while ensuring that all designs are produced according to a client’s preference and brand)

  • Graphic designer (would require the ability to visually communicate ideas to deliver a message through art and images)

  • Graphics illustrator (would require the ability to create a visual representation of an idea or associated text relying heavily on drawing, packaging design, book illustration, and graphic novels)

  • Public relations professional (would require the ability to create positive publicity campaigns for their clients and manage and maintain their reputation, including managing social media and websites)

  • 3D animator (would require the ability to perform extensive research, create drafts and storyboards, consult with team members and editors, and perform revisions as needed)

  • Senior user experience designer (would require the ability to  collaborate with designers, product managers, and product engineers when creating friendly and intuitive user experience architecture)

  • Motion graphics designer (would require the ability to produce artworks used in television, film, and web, including the production of trial designs and editing them in adherence to senior designers or clients’ recommendations)

  • Media coordinator (would require the ability to act as a communications professional in charge of developing and implementing target communications and advertising for various media platforms)

  • Web designer ( would require the ability to create and redesign the content and layout of websites using HTML, Dreamweaver and FTP  )

  • Photographer (would require the ability to setup and manage a photography studio and retouch still images of products and model shoots in addition to the proper care and utilization of high end cameras)

  • Animator (would require the ability to conceptualize ideas with technology applications using multiple techniques to create a digital masterpiece)

  • Production managers (would require the ability oversee theatrical productions, including the management of finances and budget allocations, the management of production timelines, and the mitigation of any potential challenges in the production budget and schedule )

  • Creative services manager (would require the ability to coordinate, plan, design and execute all print and digital media, including professional photography and video production)

Graduates of our DVC program have the opportunity to secure the following industry-recognized certifications:

  • OSHA 10-Hour Card and Certificate

  • Adobe Certified Associate  in Photo Shop

  • Adobe Certified Associate in Illustrator

  • Career Safe Cyber Safety Awareness Training

Following are the qualities and skills that are necessary for success in the field of DVC:

  • Creative skills are necessary when thinking about a task or problem in an entirely new or different way

  • Artistic skills are necessary to design ideas in a way that makes them come to life

  • Communications skills are necessary to relay thoughts and opinions in order to successfully interact with the public and all members of an organization

  • Interpersonal skills are necessary to communicate efficiently with multiple people regarding thoughts, ideas and feedback

  • Dexterity is essential in performing the many tasks that require steady hands and good eye-hand coordination

  • Physical skills are necessary to move equipment and system components

  • Organizational and time-management skills are necessary 

  • Analytical skills are necessary to gather information from various sources and then interpret the data in order to reach a logical conclusion that benefits a business

  • Problem solving skills are necessary to effectively solve a problem in a timely manner

  • Project management skills are necessary in order to multitask, meet deadlines, reach goals, and resolve issues

  • Leadership skills are necessary for advancement


The DVC Frameworks identify the competencies that students will have the opportunity to learn in a four-year time span. 

Articulation Agreements

State articulation agreements are a uniform and consistent way for students in our DVC program to enroll in any Massachusetts community college and be awarded credits for work completed at Chicopee Comprehensive High School. Our DVC program has additional local articulation agreements with HCC and Elms College, which recognize credits beyond the standard 3 credit state recognition. 

Additionally, our DVC program has a dual enrollment agreement with the Elms College. 

These agreements allow for a seamless continuation of education for our students.

Design & Visual Communications

6 months ago

The Design and Visual Communications (DVC) student who successfully completes four years of the program will be able to acquire an understanding of photography, digital cinema, design elements, design principles, color theory, typography, drawing, and animation. The student will also be able to produce and print digital media for specific purposes.

Our curriculum

Course Design

Our students are instructed utilizing Adobe Creative Cloud Applications and Apple Computers. 

CTE Freshmen Explore

  • Career Safe Training
  • Elements of Art
  • Principles of Design
  • Typography
  • Design Workflow

                DVC 1 - Grade 10

  • Natural Light Photography
  • Basic Character Design
  • Introductory Animation
  • Digital Illustration Techniques
  • Introduction to Digital Cinema

DVC 2 - Grade 11

OSHA 10 Hour Training

  • Elms College Dual Enrollment Course
  • Advanced Studio Lighting
  • Digital Painting
  • Advanced Character Design & Animation
  • Advanced Digital Cinema & Motion Graphics
  • Summer Portfolio Development


                 DVC 3 - Grade 12

  • Senior Thesis & Concentrated Portfolio Development
  • Digital Illustration Techniques
  • Website Design
  • Marketing & Entrepreneurship

Learn more about Design & Visual Communications

                               MEET OUR INSTRUCTORS

Mr Scott Brubach
Mrs Trish Kemp