CTE CULINARYSuccess in the Field - Culinary
6 months ago
Success in the field
The following qualities and skills are necessary for success in the field of Culinary Arts:
- The ability to master management skills
- The ability to multitask with dexterity and endurance
- The ability to interact with other kitchen staff
- The ability to handle ingredients and prepare food using industry-standard guidelines
- The ability to handle a large variety of utensils and the techniques associated with their usage
- The ability to interact with various types of customers
- The ability to react to a variety of situations
The Culinary Arts Frameworks identify the competencies that students will have the opportunity to learn in a four-year time span.
Articulation Agreements
State articulation agreements are a uniform and consistent way for students in our Culinary Arts program to enroll in any Massachusetts community college and be awarded credits for work completed at Chicopee Comprehensive High School. Our Culinary Arts program has additional local articulation agreements with Holyoke Community College and Keene State College, which recognize credits beyond the standard 3 credit state recognition.
These agreements allow for a seamless continuation of education for our students.