Mission Statement

Chicopee Comprehensive High School is a community of adult and student learners who believe that a career and technical education is important in preparing students to lead a meaningful life in the 21st century. We commit to working with families and community members to support the personal, academic, social and career growth of every student while maintaining high standards and expectations. We believe that students must have the knowledge, values and skills, as well as an understanding of responsibility to ourselves and others, in order to positively and effectively participate in society. The curriculum requires that students question, solve problems, analyze, synthesize, research and construct knowledge, building global intelligence around concrete learning experiences.

Beliefs About Learning
  • Students must feel safe, comfortable and respected, both physically and emotionally, in their school
  • Students should have equal experience with independent and collaborative learning
  • All students have the potential to achieve, despite level and pace
  • Students learn best when instruction provides opportunities to solve higher order thinking tasks and questions